A Purrspective into Neko Ghost, Jump!
Neko Ghost, Jump! is a deceptively straightforward puzzle-platformer scheduled for release later this year for PC on Steam and the Epic Games Store. Victor Burgos, of Burgos Games, was kind enough to take a break from unpacking to meet with Qweerty on June 23rd to talk about his creation. He also discussed what his hopes are for the game, his hopes for Burgos Games, and what it’s like for him as a minority developer
Barks and Bytes
“What if our pets drove mech spaceships?” Sara Pocock, Studio Art Lead for Tic Toc Games says that was the inspiration for B.ARK, the Bio-Interstellar Ark. She joined Co-Director & Producer Abraham Morales and Qweerty Gamers President & CEO Ray Lancione for a brief interview on Wednesday, June 16th, about Tic Toc Games’ latest creation scheduled for release July 29th, 2021.