Code of Conduct
Ensuring a certain level of expected behavior at Qweerty Gamers, especially of volunteer and volunteer staff is a priority. As queer gamers, we understand what it means to be taken for granted. We want to ensure all members of the LGBTQ community are treated fairly and equally, while also aware of our own biases & privileges.
Remember, if you’re approached about our Code of Conduct, our goal is to help you grow and learn, not hurt or alienate.
Expected Behaviour
The following behaviors are expected and requested of all staff and community members:
Refrain from tone policing, silencing, or otherwise silencing marginalized people who defend themselves against or call out oppressive behavior.
Try to treat criticisms as gifts when possible. Don’t gut react when receiving criticisms, even if the urge is strong. Seek out advice from others if you’re unsure how to respond.
Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech.
Respect people’s gender pronouns. If you’re unsure of what someone’s are, ask. Try to thank them rather than apologize, if they correct you and continue.
Alert volunteer moderators or staff if you notice someone in distress, or are in violation of this Code of Conduct.
Do not talk over others consistently in voice channels.
Unacceptable Behaviour
The following behaviors are considered harassment and are unacceptable within the Qweerty Gamers’ Community:
Do not tell a marginalized group member that you know better than them about their circumstances. This includes Black & Indigenous People of Color, Women, Transgender people, and folks who do not subscribe to a binary gender role.
Raging. This includes but not limited to: Rage quitting a video game, flaming in-game chat or voice chat to members of the community, or those outside the community.
Unwelcome sexual attention. This includes but not limited to sexualized memes, jokes, messages.
Defaming. Sustained criticism of other public figures, organizations, and works of art.
If you are subject to or witness unacceptable behavior, or have any other concerns, please notify us as soon as possible by emailing contact@qweertygamers.org or notify a moderator/staff member.
Qweerty Gamers expects any volunteer, volunteer staff member, board member, and community member to abide by this Code of Conduct. This applies to physical and virtual spaces that Qweerty Gamers moderates, and those who correlate themselves with Qweerty Gamers publicly.