
You’re Invited: Monkeypox Q&A
Join us for a Q&A about Monkeypox with @Neurofourier, a Neuro-Infectious Disease Specialist/Epidemiologist.

Catizens Playthrough
Qweerty Gamers (a 501c3 LGBTQIA Gamer nonprofit) will playthrough the early access colony management game Catizens.

August Qweerty Game Night
We're going back to our roots. Every Thursday @ 7 PM PT in August on Twitch, join Qweerty Gamers, a 501c3 LGBTQ Gamer Nonprofit, for Dead by Daylight!

Non-Binary People’s Day Q&A
Surprise! Join Qweerty Gamers (a 501c3 LGBTQIA+ gamer nonprofit) tomorrow, July 14th, at 7 PM PT (10 PM ET) for a discussion about Non-binary people in gaming!

LGBTQIA+ Game Day @ Guildhall Whittier July 17
In-person events are back! Join us Sunday, July 17th, 11 am - 3 pm at GuildHall Whittier.

March with Qweerty Gamers at the WeHo Pride Parade!
This year, Qweerty is PROUD to march during the West Hollywood Pride Parade on Sunday, June 5th. The parade starts at 12 PM PT.

Rupaul’s DragCon Wrapup (with photos)!
Thank you to all the Qweerties who stopped by our booth to learn more about our microgrant & ambassador programs, weekly game nights, and our mission to champion LGBTQIA+ folks in the gaming community.

Qweerty Q&A Princess Farmer
Join Qweerty Gamers (a 501c3 LGBTQIA+ Gamer Nonprofit) Thursday, April 28th, @ 7 PM PT with guests Bee & Charlene, devs of Princess Farmer at Samobee & published by Whitethorn Games! Moderated by DrKrabby.

Unreal Engine 5, Let's Learn Together.
This Thursday at 9 AM PT, join LordFriteuse on the Qweerty Gamers Twitch channel for some Unreal Engine 5 overviews! Let's learn together.

Wondercon 2022 Wrap Up
Thank you to everyone who stopped by the Qweerty Gamers booth at Wondercon 2022! Please enjoy your lovely faces in our photo gallery.

Qweerty Gamers GDC Mixer 2022 Wrap Up!
Thank you to everyone who came out to our LGBTQIA+ GDC Mixer from the Qweerty team! We’re so glad to hear the positive feedback during & after the event!

LGBTQIA+ Community Night - Valorant
Join us tomorrow night (Thursday) at 7:30 PM PT for our LGBTQIA+ Community Night with Palkuka. We'll be playing some VALORANT!

Qweerty Gamers (a 501c3 LGBTQIA+ Gamer Nonprofit) is holding its first-ever GDC Mixer on March 23rd from 6-10 PM at Oasis! Capacity is limited, RSVP is first come first serve.

D&D One-Shot LGBTQIA+ Community Night
Qweerty Gamers (a 501c3 LGBTQIA+ Gamer Nonprofit) is holding a one-shot D&D Community Night Stream this Friday at 6 PM PT!

Aromantic & Asexual in Gaming Q&A
Join Qweerty Gamers (an LGBTQIA+ Nonprofit) on February 24th @ 7:30 PM PT to discuss Aromantic & Asexual representation & themes in Gaming, ft Stefan Gagne, Lovestrut, Rik Wortman, & DrKrabby.

LGBTQIA+ Game Night - Dead by Daylight
It's happening! Join us every Thursday for LGBTQIA+ Community Night. This week we're going to play Dead by Daylight, hosted by Palkuka!

Dead by Daylight LGBTQIA+ Community Night
Join us (Qweerty Gamers, an LGBTQIA Gamer Nonprofit) this Thursday at 4:30 pm PT (7:30 pm ET) for our weekly LGBTQIA+ community night!

Aromantic & Asexual Awareness Week Feb 20-26
Join Qweerty Gamers (a 501c3 LGBTQIA+ Gamer Nonprofit) February 20-26 to celebrate & raise awareness of Aromantic & Asexual folks in the video game industry!

Jackbox Games Night Jan 27th 8 PM PT
Every Thursday, join us for our LGBTQIA+ community night! This Thursday at 8 PM PT, join @befinched & @designbyjam for some Jackbox Games on our Twitch channel: https://twitch.tv/qweertygamers

Jackbox Games with Qweerty Gamers!
Join Qweerty Gamers (an LGBTQ Gamer nonprofit) on our Twitch channel December 15th & 29th at 7 PM PT.